ID verification is included in any membership and adds a badge of trustworthiness when approved.
Every landlord, homeowner or letting agent who advertises a property on HomeHak must verify their identity with Stripe Identity, which involves presenting their passport or driving licence. This helps to discourage "fake landlords" or "fake agents" from advertising a property that does not exist.
The process takes less than 5 minutes and is available to all users of HomeHak for free. Click here to learn more about Stripe Identity.
Verifying your ID with Stripe:
Follow these steps to verify your identity with Stripe:
- First, click on your profile picture at the top right corner and then on "Settings, Create Profile, Menu".
- Under "Create my Landlord Profile", go to the third option: "ID Verification".
- Click on "Get ID Verified".
Once your ID has been verified, the "ID verified from Stripe" badge will be displayed on your profile.
Learn how HomeHak improves trust and trustworthiness in the renting process and set up your account today.
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