This article outlines the role of the "Lead Administrator" agent in a letting agency on HomeHak.
The "Lead Administrator"
The "Lead Administrator" (Lead Admin) is the first person from a letting agency to join HomeHak. It is important that a senior person at the letting agency registers first on HomeHak and is designated as the Lead Admin because this role has the most authority in HomeHak for an agency.
Why it is important that a senior person at the letting agency takes the role of Lead Administrator?
This control exists in HomeHak to ensure security and consistency.
- The "Lead Administrator" is the only person with the authority to invite other members to join the letting agency account on HomeHak.
- It is important that a senior person at the letting agency identifies who works at the agency and should have access to the agency account on HomeHak. Members will have access to personal information about tenants and they represent the agency in performing regulated activities.
- The Lead Administrator inputs the details of the Letting Agency to HomeHak (License number, contact information, address, etc). These agency details are automatically shown for each subsequent representative of the agency, who is invited to join by the Lead Admin. This process ensures accuracy, completeness and consistency.
The Lead administrator can perform more duties on HomeHak than regular members.
Extra functions of the Lead admin on HomeHak, over a regular member of the letting agency, include:
- Invitation of colleagues to join the Letting Agency account in HomeHak
- Editing the details about the letting agency that are shown to users of HomeHak
- Transfer responsibility for editing the information details about the letting agency in HomeHak
- Ability to log in as a colleague who is a member of HomeHak. This is for when a colleague is absent and their work needs attention (e.g. tenant or landlord communications, property listing, reference verification).
- Manage subscriptions for each colleague at the agency who is a member of HomeHak
- Remove someone from the agency account in HomeHak who has left the letting agency.
First things first: set up a strong personal profile.
The Lead Admin must ensure they have set up their own account properly before they invite other users to join. It is important they set a good example for the rest of the agency. This requires the following actions;
- Register as an Agent on HomeHak, with a secure password and verify their mobile number. Follow the steps for normal agent set-up as instructed by the platform.
- Populate their own profile on HomeHak - populate the "Profile input" section.
- Create the profile for the letting agency on HomeHak. Populate the "Agency details" section. The details entered in this section will automatically feature on the profile page of every member agent. This is to ensure consistency.
- ID Verification is strongly encouraged for all agents and landlords. The state of the art process is provided by Stripe and takes from two to five minutes. This service for agents is unique to HomeHak and offers a great and simple opportunity to demonstrate trustworthiness.
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